Reducing Pain Debt

It’s been years since arthritis has allowed me to sit behind a desk full-time, but my accountant brain still kicks in sometimes and has me thinking of pain in terms of debt. Like your earnings, you have a limited amount of activity to spend before you go into debt. Pain debt. What does pain debt …

A Prescription for Gardening

I have a love/hate relationship with pharmaceuticals. I don’t really hate them. They are absolute miracles in most cases.  But with chronic pain like arthritis, I think we can do better.  There has to be a better way than exposing yourself to serious long-term side effects daily. Thank goodness the anti-narcotic movement has led doctors …

The Truth of Your Pain

Years ago, when I was a young adult, fit and beautiful and newly married, newly graduated from college and embarking on a professional career, I remember a discussion among my co-workers about housework.  I casually said that I never vacuum the carpets because it hurts my back too much.  This statement was met with outrage …