Fit4Gardening – Step 5 – How to Continue

You’ve now got your compelling reason for fitness. Mine is the desire to get through gardening season without becoming injured and to get stronger each year.  You’ve decided where you’ll workout and if it’ll be DIY or a commute, and if at home, you’ve prepared your space. I’ve chosen to work from home and prepared …

Reducing Pain Debt

It’s been years since arthritis has allowed me to sit behind a desk full-time, but my accountant brain still kicks in sometimes and has me thinking of pain in terms of debt. Like your earnings, you have a limited amount of activity to spend before you go into debt. Pain debt. What does pain debt …

A Prescription for Gardening

I have a love/hate relationship with pharmaceuticals. I don’t really hate them. They are absolute miracles in most cases.  But with chronic pain like arthritis, I think we can do better.  There has to be a better way than exposing yourself to serious long-term side effects daily. Thank goodness the anti-narcotic movement has led doctors …