How Not to Talk to Your Doctor About Pain

I was listening to an episode of my favorite mental health podcaster, Brooke Castillo titled “How Are You Feeling?”   Have you listened to any of Brooke’s podcasts?  They are amazing, so much information and personal growth – for free! She talked about increasing your vocabulary of emotion words.  We get into such a habit of …

The Disabled Gardener vs. the Chip Pile

The Mandalorian is not a show that I would watch – normally.  You see, I don’t enjoy futuristic, dystopian shows.  It bothers me to think of a desolate and barren future.  Isn’t there a place in the future for beauty?  And flowers?  And color? I also don’t like shooting and fighting.  So, there is nothing …

The Truth of Your Pain

Years ago, when I was a young adult, fit and beautiful and newly married, newly graduated from college and embarking on a professional career, I remember a discussion among my co-workers about housework.  I casually said that I never vacuum the carpets because it hurts my back too much.  This statement was met with outrage …

Soothers: Self-Care for Chronic Pain Relief

Today’s topic on pain relief is about what I call soothers.  Some people call this self-care.  When I say self-care what image do you conjure up?  A nice massage with the calming scent of lavender essential oils being rubbed luxuriously into your aching muscles and joints in a candle-lit room with gentle music playing? Wouldn’t …